About us


We are the IAD UK

Welcome to IAD UK, a disruptive force in coach tuition and leadership development. Our mission is to empower individuals and organisations to achieve their full potential through cutting-edge training and development programs.

We believe every individual has the capacity for growth and transformation, and we are committed to helping our clients unleash their true potential. Our approach is grounded in the latest research in adult development, psychology, and neuroscience, and we combine theory and practice to create innovative and impactful learning experiences.

We offer a range of products designed to meet the needs of individuals and organisations at all stages of their development journey.

Our flagship product is our coach training program, designed to provide coaches at all levels with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to succeed in this rewarding field. Highly interactive and experiential, it has a strong emphasis on real-world application, so our graduates are equipped to make a meaningful difference in the lives of their clients.

Our range of leadership development programs for organisations, including customised workshops, executive coaching, and team development programs are are tailored to meet the specific needs of each organisation. We work closely with our clients to ensure alignment with strategic goals and objectives.

Our team is led by Dr. Darren Stevens and Sean Ellis, two highly respected thought leaders in the field of adult development.

Dr Stevens, creator of Constructed Development Theory, is a renowned researcher, author, and speaker in the field of adult development.

Sean is a highly sought-after business developmentalist who has worked with many leading organisations.

At IAD UK, we are passionate about helping individuals and organisations achieve their full potential. If you are looking for a partner to help you navigate the challenges of growth and transformation, explore our programs and contact us to learn more.

What do I get from my FREE IACR call?

Our unique IACR transformation process

Intention - Discover how your (un)conscious Cognitive Intentions are working for and against you. These shortcuts in our thinking determine how we view - or in our terminology, Construct - ourselves and our world. Any challenges we face are born of this construction.

Awareness - Develop greater self-Awareness through Awareness of your Cognitive Intentions. Being more aware of our construction enables us to understand ourselves and others better and is the starting point for making meaningful change in our lives.

Choice - Create more Choice in your usage Cognitive Intentions through increased Awareness. Our Awareness of our Cognitive Intention usage in the moment gives us the Choice to change that Intention.

Response - Respond to life with this newly developed choice to bring greater fulfilment and success. Having Choice in our Cognitive Intentions through greater Awareness gives us a concomitant choice in how we Respond to our environment; how we think and behave.  This is the outcome of Vertical Development

How we can help you

We bring together, in one place, the future of Exceptional Coaching and Exceptional Leadership in two ways: we offer the only ethical benchmark system in the industry, and we focus not on the relationship but on the foundational construction of self as the area for development

For Leaders

Bespoke one-to-one Leadership Coaching from our Developmentalists to help you vertically develop your thinking for greater life satisfaction and success

Effective Leadership Development programmes and workshops to support the Vertical Development of your team

Developmental facilitation to support Vertical growth in your team whilst making team sessions more productive.

Accredited Next Level Coaches with over 40 years' combined experience in organisational and personal change and transformation

For Coaches

Tuition in our ground breaking new framework for helping your clients - Next Level Coaching

Growth in your thinking to grow your coaching capacity and capability, allowing you to gain new clients with potentially very different requirements.

A method of coaching that goes straight to the root causes of your clients' issues enabling them and you to benefit from shorter coaching cycles

Grow into Exceptional

Your first consultation is complimentary
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